welcum to my bloG..hav3 a grEat Day..^^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

my weekend^^

finally free to update my blog
bz dating wif bf

fri (15/10)
bek hometown at 6pm
reach thr almost 8pm lo
having my dinner wif dear n his friends
finish dinner d 11 something lo
straight away bek home
 reach home 1s thing
c the skirt tat dear bought to me
izzit nice?
i love it
thx dear
stomach still full but tired
den straight away go sleep lo

sat (16/10)
nth can do except on9
but my sis wanna use
so do my accounting tutorial question
hard lo
many duno how to do
week 5 gt 1 test d
cham cham cham
nid practice more

at nite 
watching movie wif dear
child's eyes (3D)
nice movie
after movie
go cha ling park eat loklok
yummy yummy
hv a nice sat nite

sun (17/10)
wake up early in the morning
going pasar wif mummy n daddy
n buy-ING something to cook in hostel for my dinner

after tat
went to play badminton wif dear n his bro
coz dear say me fat fat d
nid more exercise

tat place is nice
but oso veli expensive lo
1 hour for rm18
going pacific wif his family
juz go for 1 hour
den bek d
dear say he will fetch me bek to penang 2day
can go pasar malam 
dear oso stay 1 nite in penang

finish my weekendn start my new week

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